Heat Transfer/Sublimation
The Benefits of Creating Mock-Ups
Mock-ups are a good idea for several reasons, including: Mock-ups expedite the approval process. It can serve as the proof…
6 Tips for Getting a Heat Printing Business Off the Ground
Starting a T-shirt business, especially if you are going to be utilizing a heat press, is relatively easy. There aren’t…
Maximize Your Pet-Related Sales
A thought process to follow for maximizing your pet-related sales is to “think outside the collar.” What I mean is…
5 Tips for Winter Heat Printing
Every year when the cold weather sets in, it brings along some heat printing challenges with it. Some shops that…
4 Ways to Declutter Before the New Year
Winter is coming, which means the chaos of back to school has been traded in for the slow churn of…
3 Tricks to Eliminate Transfer Lines in Sublimation
Aside from ghosting, the other major issue sublimators face is the dreaded transfer paper lines. Once those show up on…
What are the benefits of UV-LED printing versus sublimation printing?
There are a bunch of ways that UV-LED printing wins over sublimation, but here are just a few: Printing White: Printing…
Measuring Heat Press Temperature
You would be surprised how often your heat press goes out of calibration. Heat and pressure affect metal over time.…
A Good Sublimation System Is One with Parts that Work Together
Let’s say you wanted to buy a car. What do you do? You go down to the dealership, buy the…
Try This: Sublimate a Performance Sleeve
Arm and leg sleeves appeal to youth sports as well as recreational teams, schools, fans, and beyond. Not only are they…
How to Test a Heat Press
The two most common tools are disposable heat press test kits and pyrometer surface probes. The disposable kit is inexpensive…
How can decorators earn more profit with heat printing?
One surefire way to make more money on a job is to charge more for it. Most shops have a…
Cashing in on the Sublimated Holiday Marketplace: Personalized gifts
Regardless of the culture or the form of celebration, the holiday season is all about giving. And what better product is there…
When is the best time for sublimation shops to prepare for the holiday season?
Though the winter holidays are still several months away, I find that August and September are smart times to think about…
How to Sublimate Wood
Full-color printing is becoming an increasingly popular method to decorate wood substrates and can be applied to any species of wood. Here…