The Wrap Industry Loses a Friend and Mentor
Jeremiah Breitigan, owner/operator of That’s a Wrap in Nashville, Tennessee, passed away Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 15

Jeremiah Breitigan, owner/operator of That’s a Wrap in Nashville, Tennesee, passed away Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 15. Breitigan, who lost an arduous battle with cancer, will be remembered by friends and colleagues as a craftsman, a leader, an example, and a fighter.
One of his last wishes was to have his casket plastered with the logos from all of his friends’ businesses scattered upon it.
Breitigan left the industry with these parting words, “Take care of each other! If you see you are better than someone else at something, then teach them instead of dogging them out. Don’t jump into the industry for fame and fortune because you may never see that; just put your head down and work. Take super good care of your clients, and they will take care of you! Remember, your character is easily seen by others, so always stay humble and kind. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER (Start acting like it).”
Breitigan will be missed, but his legacy of quality work and collaboration will be the industry’s challenge to see through. The entire GRAPHICS PRO/WRAPS team sends its condolences to Breitigan’s family and friends.