What is the most overlooked issue when installing a new laser?
Ventilation is usually the most overlooked issue when installing a new laser. You must have your ventilation properly installed well before…
Engrave Away the Background for a Gift Decorated with Laser Foil
In CorelDRAW, apply a white fill color to the logo. Next, use a solid back color-fill to create a background…
How do you clean engraved laminate after processing?
If smoke residue occurs on the piece of laminate during laser processing, clean it off using methylated spirits. Simply wipe…
Familiarize Yourself with the Software Before Your New Laser Arrives
Unless you have made special arrangements with your laser distributor, you are responsible for having a proper computer with proper…
What is the most basic operational difference between flatbed and galvo lasers?
The most basic operational difference between flatbed lasers and galvo lasers is how the laser beam is directed onto the material.…
Everyone’s Doing It! Laser equipment buying habits
Every customer is different. Every application is different. However, regardless of intended use or application, most people are interested in…
What is the best way to position a workpiece on the rotary attachment?
Clamp the desired workpiece into the rotary engraving attachment, and fix it with springs. Make sure the workpiece is not…
What tools are recommended for holding odd-shaped items while laser engraving?
My favorite product for holding many odd-shaped items, keeping things in place, and preventing movement is modeling clay. It is extremely…
Material Matters: Engraving Tech-Gadgets
Materials for consumer-tech products are relatively limited. Most gadgets are created from engravable plastic, bare aluminum, anodized aluminum, or stainless…
Use Center Engraving
One way to quickly set up custom jobs on an item like a phone, an award, or anything else that…
What common materials found in an engraving shop can be recycled?
We upcycle the wood from our incoming shipment crates to help make new shipping containers for our oversized orders. We…
What electrical measures do I need to take before installing a new laser?
Lasers either have 240-Volt or 110-Volt power requirements, which is largely dependent upon the laser wattage. The higher the laser…
Create a Custom Jig for a Multi-Piece Engraving Job
We had a 250-piece job come in the door that needed engraving centered on two sides for a total of…
Use Templates When Customizing Digital Devices
You may think engraving/customizing gadgets may be too time consuming; however, since many of gadgets are all uniform in size,…