
Building Your Impressions: More Than Signs, Part Three

Asking questions and knowing when the right times are to make suggestions are two keys to building impressions with your clients.

askingquestions_275x275My company went from being a sign provider to becoming a source for design and brand solutions, and it opened up the possibilities and range of projects to work on, thus growing the business.

Here are some ideas for growing yours that are based on my experience of building impressions with more than just signs.

Ask Questions

One of the best ways to sell is to ask questions. It is also about the only way you can find out more about a person, or a customer. Conversations are the place for strategic questioning and exposing opportunity.

Get to know your customers and their needs better by learning to ask the right kinds of questions that lead to more sign projects and more projects outside of signs, but in the realm of branding where you can satisfy the need.

Don’t forget to ask your client the three high priority questions at the end of a project: Are you happy? Will you provide a testimonial? Can you recommend me?

Giver’s Gain

True genuine giving often returns a gain back to the giver. So why not give? By giving you open up the doors to receive. Giving can be as simple as offering advice, recommendations or information.

Suggestions can be easily given and easily received for consideration by your customer. I provide suggestions all the time, but not until understanding the needs and then waiting for the right timing to give it. I also put some work into it.

For instance, instead of just describing a suggestion, I often draw it and show it as artwork in order for the concept to be understood. I also do this because if the idea is not ripe for today, it might in the future, and the artwork provides a visual reminder. I also give comprehensive ideas. I don’t just focus on one application. By showing many ideas, the seeds are planted for future harvests.

By giving, and being a giver, you show yourself to be the sort of person who does the extra and goes beyond expectations. When it comes to signs, this quality goes a long way with the customer who is shopping around.

There’s more … stay tuned.


Scott Franko

Scott Franko

Scott Franko

Scott Franko owned Franko Design Concepts and Consulting. He formerly owned and operated a multi-division sign, graphics and custom fabrication business.

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