
How can I get my print shop equipped to serve the college and fan wear market?

Shops often struggle with the college and fan wear market early on due to its strict and restrictive channel. To prepare your shop for this market, businesses must become licensed to print for these organizations.

Most colleges and universities have very specific branding, trademarks, and insignia that are licensed by third-party companies such as IMG or Collegiate Licensing. Companies like these enforce and police any infringers, so be very careful.

One thing to remember when designing: every school is different. Some may have a simple approval process, while some may put out a request for proposal every few years. It’s best if you can get face to face with the college you are trying to print for so you can learn about your limitations before you start.

—Campus Ink

Steven Farag

Steven gained extensive experience throughout his time at the University of Illinois building a large customer base for decorated goods using e-commerce and digital marketing. After graduation, Farag purchased Campus Sportswear Inc, a family owned screen printing and embroidery company on the University's campus. Farag has transformed and rebranded the company, now known as Campus Ink. When he's not working on his business, he is traveling and meeting with other shop owners. You can contact Steven at or

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