
How can I discourage production floor staff from phone use throughout the day?

These days, employees expect to have access to their phones, and many of them struggle with disciplining themselves to manage that preoccupation. On a shop floor with moving machines and garments that can be easily damaged as a result of an inattentive staff, this practice is as dangerous as it is distracting.

But who wants to give their staff a reason to be secretive with their electronics? My suggestion is to have a meeting with your personnel about safety in the workplace. As a part of your meeting topics, announce that there are new guidelines for the use of personal electronics on the production floor. Speak about the dangers of distraction and the threat to profitability, even with hands-free devices. In the interest of safety, all calls placed and taken should be regulated to a designated area. This can be by the snack machines, break area, etc.

If possible, make the designated area conspicuous to the entire production floor. Since most jobs on the floor require some amount of teamwork, the person who is making the call, text, or merely checking social media will become aware of their work partner’s increased workload. If they fail to notice how they are letting the team down by excessive phone use, their work partner is bound to make them aware.

—PolyOne Specialty Inks

John Magee

John Magee

John Magee has been involved with screen printing and band merchandise since 1992. Additionally, he has also owned businesses in the skate and snowboard industry. Magee is currently a senior technical services representative at PolyOne.

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