If you’ve ever spent time on Etsy during the holidays, looking for personalized gifts or seeing what’s new, weird, funny, or outrageous, then some of these listed items might look familiar. However, if you’re new to personalization, this list may be of special interest to you, especially at the time of year when custom graphics and personalization can be so profitable.
Here are five of the top products that people are personalizing and selling for the holiday season:
1. Custom face socks
It’s unfathomable to most people that this has blown up on the internet as a custom product to give to a significant other, family member, or friends as a holiday gift, but printing faces onto socks is incredibly popular right now — they have whole websites dedicated to it. It’s easy to print face graphics onto socks with direct-to-garment (DTG) and dye-sublimation printing machines.
2. Holiday pajama tops
This might not be a huge surprise to anyone in the custom apparel market, but there is an enormous online opportunity in personalized pajama tops on Etsy, Amazon marketplace, and other storefronts during the holiday season and beyond. Many families get a new raglan pajama top each year with a unique design as part of a holiday tradition. It’s a fun way to celebrate the holidays and a profitable one if you have a DTG printer, an inkjet printer, or a dye-sublimation setup.

3. Pet portrait products
Forever popular, especially during the holidays, pet portrait products are all over the internet. Use an engraving machine to create custom pet giftware to sell as high-end online products.
4. Holiday masks
Masks are still essential items for everyone, and they are still hugely popular in 2021, heading into 2022 — especially if you can add personalized designs. Make personalized masks and fun seasonal items with DTG and dye-sublimation technology.
5. Custom underwear
Over the last few years, the market has gone crazy for adding faces, names, pun messages, monograms, and other designs onto undies. It’s such a personal product that it makes an “extra-personal” gift when offered as a custom printed product.