Which technologies are the best to use when decorating wood?
There are many technologies that lend themselves to wood, starting with traditional hand cutting, sanding, and carving tools, to power…
How can I prepare for the arrival of my new laser system?
Your newly acquired laser will likely be shipped in some sort of shipping container. This could be as simple as…
What is the best way to organize work areas in a custom engraving shop?
The best way to organize your work areas is to focus on organizing around efficiency. As a custom engraving shop,…
What is the main advantage of using a galvo laser to cut?
Speed is a main advantage of the galvo laser, and the advantage is especially noticeable when you’re working with thinner…
Building Fixtures That Stand the Test of Time
To increase productivity and efficiency when laser processing many of the same parts over and over again, you can use…
Cleaning Lasering Residue from Wood
I generally try not to laser raw or stained wood that does not have several good coats of finish on it because,…
4 Main Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Laser
What is the maximum size of substrate you will work with? The answer to this question helps you determine the…
What is the purpose of a rotary engraving attachment?
With the rotary engraving attachment, you can use your laser engraver to process tumblers, cups, vases, and bottles of various sizes and diameters.…
Pricing Engraved Products
Before you determine your pricing structure, we recommend learning the prices of other engraving businesses in the area. It’s a…
Shop Talk: Uses for an Industrial Duty Laser
A sign shop laser cutter can be used for a wide variety of applications, from basic engraving to cutting acrylic…
Rotary Engrave a Brass Door Plate
Brass door plates offer a sleek, traditional sign style that never goes out of popularity. To engrave one with a…
What are the best practices for lasering textured outdoor sheet metal?
Textured outdoor materials for signs are tougher and cost more than regular engraving material. It also takes more time to…
What is the difference between cast and extruded acrylic?
Cast acrylic, when laser engraved, turns a frosty white color. Cast acrylic sheets are made from a liquid acrylic that…
How do you connect the rotary attachment onto the laser engraving machine?
First, move the laser machine table to its lowest position. On some models – for example, our Speedy 360 and Speedy 400 –…
How to Clean Laser Exhaust Parts
Make sure the laser is unplugged before removing any cover. A good Shop Vac is useful in this process. Besides…
What benefits can specialization offer a laser business?
Offering a limited selection can be beneficial because it allows you to truly perfect the settings for a certain material.…