Crown Trophy Fredericksburg to Move

According to a report from The Free Lance-Star, Chris and Linda Hara, the owners of Crown Trophy in the Westwood Office Park in Fredericksburg, Virginia, are looking to move. After 18 years in business, they plan to turn their trophy, plaque, and awards business over to their children in the coming years.
Chris tells The Free Lance-Star his two daughters, who are in their thirties, plan to keep the business going for the next 20 years or more.
“This is not a plan for a short stay,” he explains. “Moving is not easy. It’s costly. But getting the opportunity to move in closer to the city and occupying a building that, in my mind, is so close to one of the gateways into the city is a privilege. It’s an honor. If we can continue our services and our products in the area, I’d love to be there.”
The building the Haras are exploring is in a commercial/office transitional district and near residential properties, which may require a special use permit. Local Councilman Billy Withers and Matt Kelly argue that stripping out the requirement for the permit would leave them with no leverage with future businesses, and giving blanket approvals means residents wouldn’t have an opportunity to offer input, respectively.
The new location is at 1529 Olde William St. Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401.