Many people I talk to about niche marketing seem opposed to it in the beginning as there is some confusion as to the goal of it. When I ask people what their niche is, many of them answer with specific broad areas or say they don’t have one because they don’t what to be limited in what they can do as a company. Hence, the confusion. That mindset has to be changed.
By setting a niche, you are not only pigeon-holing yourself into doing that one thing, you are just crafting your message and spending your precious marketing resources in one focused area. If you frame your mind that way when determining your niche, it changes the game and makes it less daunting.
The easiest way to find your niche is to think through the things and places you feel most comfortable about outside of your business. Is that at your kid’s soccer game or at the local poetry reading night? I suggest making a list of 10 to 20 potential niche markets. Don’t overthink it at this stage, just start writing. You will have some duds in there, but you will also have some gems. From that list, choose one or two that match up with your business capabilities. Now you have your niche.
-Aaron Montgomery, 2 Regular Guys, MontCo Consulting