
What can producers do with misprints?

When it comes to our industry, there is one dreadful item that we all produce: misprints. Everyone has dealt with their fair share of decorating mishaps, sometimes more than we care to recall. Here are some suggestions for turning those cringe-worthy losses into something positive.

Rags. While I’m sure this is a standard solution for most printers, how many rags does one shop need? What do you do with the overflow? Now, this may not be the most rewarding option, but one method of disposing of these items is to sell or donate these rags to organizations in need. Yes, it may only be pennies on the dollar, but you’ve added to your bottom line, you’ve helped another business add to theirs by reducing their costs, and you’ve reduced pollution.

Schools. Although these items may not have passed your inspection, they may still have value here. For instance, many schools have closets to help displaced children and families with clothing needs. These are great places for these items to go. It can also increase your presence within that school system and is a way to reduce waste.

Homeless. There are homeless people in every area of this world, and a misprinted T-shirt or pair of socks can go a long way. Reach out to a local organization or hand-deliver these items to connect with your community and uplift spirits.

Donations. Donations are a great way to discard of these items. If you were not already aware, donations are one way to acquire tax write-offs. Another caveat, there is no donation cap. Many organizations that accept donations are positioned to distribute these items in ways to help strengthen the community.

Disaster areas. When disaster strikes, in many instances, your fellow citizens become displaced. In some cases, with only the clothes on their backs. Donating your mistakes to these areas, and groups that serve them is a surefire way to see that those items go to a group of people that will utilize them.

Give these outlets a try, take action, and minimize your footprint.

If you already use these avenues or have come up with others, please share. I’d love to hear them.

Here’s to those who make the difference!

Kirk Harris

Kirk Harris

Kirk Harris currently serves as president of Atlanta-based Kaptain Kirk Clothing Co. Harris' love of apparel began with retail in the late '90s and in 2006 he founded his first clothing line. In 2012 his journey led him to apparel decoration and in 2014 he settled into his current position. He's reachable at, 404-396-7171, or

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