
4 Principles for Mobile Marketing Design

It is more simple than you might think. 

Mobile marketing is not only for the heavy-hitting, deep-pocketed Fortune 500 companies. It is more affordable than one may think and easy to implement. However, the starting point for any business owner interested in diving into the fray isn’t to run out and develop an app or launch a mobile website, willy-nilly. Some tenets of mobile marketing design include:

  • Use single columns-stick with one column that will display appropriately on a mobile device screen.
  • Create big buttons-fingers on a touchscreen do not have the same precision as mouse pointers on a computer.
  • Allow for space between clickable elements-if miss-clicks occur because links are too close together, users become impatient when the time to load the desired screen takes more than a few seconds, or they get angry when the miss-clicks eat into valuable data transfer allotments.
  • Make important and relevant information visible without scrolling or enlarging-for example, you may want to test the display of an email on your own mobile device to ensure that font sizes are readable and the call-to-action is clear.

-Vince DiCecco, Your Personal Business Trainer

vince dicecco

Vince DiCecco

Your Personal Business Trainer

Vince is a dynamic seminar speaker and author with a unique perspective on business development and management subjects, primarily in the decorated- and promotional-apparel industries. With 20+ years of experience in sales, marketing and training, he is an independent consultant to businesses looking to profit and sharpen their competitive edge.

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