
Is it a good idea to clean up your list of accounts?

It has been said for years that the customer is always right, but is that a true statement? I don’t think so; there are times when the client is wrong, or perhaps better said, there are times when we should fire the client and clean up our house. Some accounts require more time and energy than they have the right to expect. I say that when the grief exceeds the profit, in most cases, it is time to get rid of the grief.

It may not be a popular concept during recessionary climates to suggest cleaning your accounts and letting someone go, but that might be what sets you free to have the time and energy to accomplish your goals. I have practiced what I am preaching. I had two such accounts that have taken much time, and when I looked at the bottom line, they just were not worth the effort or the time. Both accounts had been draining our staff of creative energy. You can tell this when it becomes a chore to talk with the client. While clients may not become our personal friends, we need to like them and feel that both they and we appreciate each other. There should be a team spirit of cooperation between you and the client.

-Stephen Capper, A-1 Awards

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Stephen L. Capper

Stephen L. Capper, along with his wife, Nora, and their daughters, Jami and Toni, owns and operates A-1 Awards, Inc. in Indianapolis. He has been associated with the awards and recognition industry for over 45 years, and has given numerous seminars since 1979.

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