
How can shops get involved with their community and gain local business?

Springtime is a perfect time for shops to host customer appreciation days and open houses to engage their community. Usually, this requires picking up the shop and cleaning things up.  You want to make your shop presentable for people visiting.

Additionally, the end of the school year is the perfect time to invite school classes for field trips. Get in contact with a local grade school, chat with a teacher, and have them bring an entire class in to print their own shirts. Shops can take pictures and put out PR to get some exposure. It’s practicing top-of-mind marketing directed at anyone thinking about doing family reunions, class reunions, etc. during the summer. More often than not, these types of gatherings warrant a T-shirt to commemorate the day. If shops get something out in local news outlets or social media that a grade school class came in, printed their shirts, and took them home-it makes them think “Oh, I’ll go to this place the next time I need shirts.”

Also, consider hosting a business association networking event at your shop or in your showroom to reach more potential customers. Bring people in, give them an idea of what you do, and maybe even do a quick run of shirts.

—Your Personal Business Trainer

vince dicecco

Vince DiCecco

Your Personal Business Trainer

Vince is a dynamic seminar speaker and author with a unique perspective on business development and management subjects, primarily in the decorated- and promotional-apparel industries. With 20+ years of experience in sales, marketing and training, he is an independent consultant to businesses looking to profit and sharpen their competitive edge.

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