
How can screen printers achieve consistent results?

All printers that want to get consistent results with screen printing know that achieving this is a result of limiting variables. There are a lot of processes that go into the final product and having repeatable systems detailed for each step will pay dividends in time and labor saved. The best way to do this is to have a detailed process that is followed almost religiously on every job. Everyone has had the experience of trying to “reverse engineer” a print without any notes and knows that this is a time-consuming and often frustrating way to recreate work.

Keep notes the first time the job comes through, and the next time the order appears you’ll have a detailed description of what needs to be done to recreate the order quickly. Here are some things to document to ensure consistency:

  • Mesh count
  • Print order
  • Flash settings
  • Squeegee pressure (on an auto)
  • Squeegee angle  (on an auto)
  • PMS ink colors used as well as any alterations to the formula or additives used

—T&J Printing Supply

Aaron Harris

Aaron has 10+ years of experience in the screen printing industry as a printer and production manager. He previously held a position with T&J Printing Supply as an educator and regional sales representative.

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