
Empower Yourself to Business Success

Follow this formula to have control over your business and its success

One of the major things I have been working on is focusing more on the present instead of lamenting the past or worrying about the future. But interestingly enough, I found that the best way to do this is to spend a little time in introspection about our past and also to be excited about the future.

As I was thinking back and dreaming forward, I realized that everything in my life, especially in my business, is based on my choices. Throughout each day, we are faced with choice after choice, many of which we make without even realizing them — from the external choices, like what you will eat for dinner, to the internal choices about how you will react to an event. In my book, “The FUNdamentals of Business Success,” I talk about a formula to empower ourselves to success. Here is a quick excerpt:


Experience + YOUR Action = Success

This formula tells us we must be on the lookout for whatever experience or event that occurs that you have no direct control over. The poor economy or a vendor mess-up are experiences that you have no control over. ‘Experiences’ or things that happen to you or your business, and the outcome or potential success, we do not have direct control over. By understanding and using this formula, you can ultimately have control over your significant successes. You have to be willing to take 100% responsibility, have perseverance, and continue to take action. The way to do that is through the remainder of the formula, ‘+A.’ A= your actions, and that is what we have complete control over.

Those actions are the choices that we make. And to simplify this idea, our results or successes are just something we have to choose. This idea is really simple, but I know it is not easy. In our business and our daily lives, we have to look at the situation and make a choice. Are you scared to take action? That is understandable, but can you choose to take action anyway? Are you upset about your results or the lack of sales? Also understandable, but you can choose to do something about it. Until you choose to find a solution, ask for help, and invest in your business, not just the latest shiny object, you are not choosing to have different results.

So my call to action for you is to take a really good look in the mirror and think about the choices you have made, the choices you want to make for your best future, and the choices you will make in this present moment. What are you going to do with this information? When are you going to choose to stop blaming, complaining, making excuses, and commiserating and instead choose to find solutions and change your mindset?

Aaron Montgomery

Aaron Montgomery

Our Success Group

Aaron Montgomery is certified by New York Times best-selling author Jack Canfield as a Success Principles Trainer and has nearly 30 years of experience providing essential support to small businesses. His company, Our Success Group, assists with setting and reaching goals, creating a solid business plan, knowing their numbers for a better pricing strategy, and establishing a customer-focused approach while devising a targeted marketing strategy. He is the author of the business foundation book ‘The FUNdamentals of Business Success.’ He is the Co-Founder of a facilitated 6-month Mastermind collective called Radical Goal-Getters. You can also find him hosting a weekly show called Small Business Saturdays and co-hosting the 2 Regular Guys Podcast.

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