
Building Success Through Integrity

A practical guide for entrepreneurs.

A practical guide for entrepreneurs about integrity? You might be thinking “Shouldn’t all business owners have integrity?” However, integrity is often perceived as a moral compass that we should do our best to show integrity. For a business owner, I argue that it needs to be a lifestyle and way of operating daily if you want long-term success.

The term has its roots in the Latin word “integritas,” which means ‘wholeness’ or ‘completeness,’ and extends to the concept of integration. Integration also has its roots in “integritas,” which is also about harmoniously melding values, principles, and actions. But how does this abstract idea translate into a practical guide?

Integrity & integration

Let’s break down these words — integrity and integration. Integrity is about sticking to your values, what you believe is right, and being the same person of integrity in private as you are in public. Integration means pulling together different parts to make a whole, like making a complete picture from a puzzle.

Now, the magic happens when these two come together. When you act with integrity, you’re essentially pulling your values and principles into your actions and decisions, creating a full picture of who you are in your character. It’s like wearing your heart on your sleeve, showing the world what you stand for through what you do.

So, why is this a big deal for business owners? Well, to hit the home run in the long run, you need to stick to your values and principles, no matter what curveballs are thrown at you. It’s all about being the same person when no one is watching. It’s easy to say stuff, but the real deal is in doing it and the actions you take. And when you do it right, you’re not just building a good name for yourself but also making things simpler.

Here’s the kicker — when you align your actions with your values, things just flow. No need to put on a show or live in fear of being caught off guard. And let’s face it, if you say you want to build a rocking business based on helping others, but you’re always plotting the next scheme to make a quick buck, that’s a rocky road. Being true to your values isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme, but it’s the uncommon mindset that leads to lasting success.

Now, let’s get down to the nuts and bolts. Do you have a mission statement? Have you scribbled down your core values somewhere? If yes, awesome! If not, it’s never too late to start. Reach out to me at and I can give you some guidance and support. Knowing what you stand for and checking your actions against those beliefs is what someone with an uncommon mindset does.

A lot of folks think integrity is all about how others see them. But the real gold is in how you see yourself. Are you being true to what you believe in? This internal integrity makes decision-making a breeze and builds trust — with yourself, your team, and even your customers.

The long run

Building this kind of integrity takes time and has everything to do with your actions and nothing to do with your words. The golden opportunity when you are operating from your core values is inspiring those around you. And what I know to be true, is that action from inspiration is much better than action from desperation.

Anything that will lead to long-term success will come with its fair share of challenges. It is the velvet rope that only allows those who are willing to withstand some challenges to ultimately thrive. Challenges are just an opportunity to grow and learn. With integrity, every challenge is a stepping stone to becoming better.

Aaron Montgomery

Aaron Montgomery

Our Success Group

Aaron Montgomery is certified by New York Times best-selling author Jack Canfield as a Success Principles Trainer and has nearly 30 years of experience providing essential support to small businesses. His company, Our Success Group, assists with setting and reaching goals, creating a solid business plan, knowing their numbers for a better pricing strategy, and establishing a customer-focused approach while devising a targeted marketing strategy. He is the author of the business foundation book ‘The FUNdamentals of Business Success.’ He is the Co-Founder of a facilitated 6-month Mastermind collective called Radical Goal-Getters. You can also find him hosting a weekly show called Small Business Saturdays and co-hosting the 2 Regular Guys Podcast.

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