What is the difference between a pressure pot blaster and a siphon-fed blaster?
Pressure pot blasters work faster (up to four times faster) than siphon-fed blasters. Further, pressure pots allow for more control of…
Why would I choose photoresist film over laser tape for sandcarving?
Photoresist allows for more options overall. Because there are multiple options for film thicknesses with photoresist, you can get better…
Top 5 Troubleshooting Tips for Non-Compressed Air or Abrasive in Sandcarving
Note: Depending on your sandcarving system, these procedures may vary. Check the regulator – is it turned off? Make certain that…
Sandcarving and Paint-Filling Tile: A quick word of advice
When you etch a tile in the first place, you put a resist material down onto the tile. This material…
What is the one tip you would offer first-time sandcarvers?
Terri Kieffer, Key4Prints: Have a sense of humor and don’t take yourself too seriously, even when you become more experienced.…
What’s one way to make the sandcarving process more efficient?
There are numerous ways to make a sandcarving operation efficient. Creating good digital art is crucial to achieve higher quality…
Additional Tools for Sandcarving Stone or Wood
If you’re working with stone or wood, I recommend having additional adhesive to apply to the back of your stencil…
Inspecting and Replacing Sandcarving Nozzles
It is important to replace the sandcarving nozzle after it has worn 1/32 of an inch. Replacement is not mandatory,…
What gear is required when sandcarving in a blast room?
To blast in a blast room, you must wear a protective suit – I wear a Tyvek suit with a…
Dress Up Corporate Awards with Simple Stage Carving
Unique to sandcarving, stage carving is a quick and easy process to add to your bag of tools to help…
Best Production Setup for Sandcarving Large Panels
It’s easiest to blast large panels in a blast room. Yes, it means putting on all that gear, but the…
When should I use cover paper for my photoresist stencils?
Cover paper is used to protect photoresist stencils from elements like dust and from becoming too dry for later use. Once…
What types of sandcarved products can awards retailers offer customers in addition to traditional trophies and plaques?
Just about any substrate that has a friable surface can be sandcarved – glass, all natural stone, Corian, wood, and…
What considerations should be made when sandcarving wood?
It is important to note when sandcarving wood surfaces to use aluminum oxide abrasive in place of silicon carbide. The silicon…
What considerations should be made when sandcarving marble plaques?
For something different than brass on walnut wall plaques, awards retailers can offer sandcarved marble plaques. Though it is pretty…