Summa Acquires Valiani, Expands in Flatbed Cutting
Summa and Valiani join forces through a merger of their businesses

Summa, a manufacturer of vinyl and contour cutters, finishing flatbeds, and laser cutters, announces the acquisition of Italy-based Valiani, a developer and manufacturer of small- to medium-sized flatbed cutters.
Together in flatbed cutting
Summa and Valiani join forces through a merger of their businesses. Summa says it acquired Valiani to strengthen its position as a manufacturer in print finishing equipment. The merged company will continue as before and offer customers a broader range of cutting solutions.
Nico Valiani, CEO and son of Franco, founder of the company, is enthusiastic, stating, “In recent years, we have renewed our complete portfolio with a wider range of solutions. Now, this is starting to pay off with significant growth.”
Geert Pierloot, managing director at Summa, says since negotiations began, his appreciation for Valiani and its products has “grown more and more.” He adds that Valiani’s lean manufacturing and ISO-certified plant are an example for the industry.
“Our product ranges are extremely complementary,” adds Christof Van Driessche, chief commercial officer at Summa. “Although the most popular and attractively priced Summa F1612 flatbed table has a small and unique footprint, there are still a lot of customers looking at smaller, more affordable, but reliable solutions. Therefore, the merger is an exciting step and meets Summa’s ambition to increase its presence in other markets and strengthen our position into the packaging market”.
Both companies will continue to operate under their current company names and with the existing management teams in place.