Sawgrass Migrates Customer Designs to New CreativeStudio

Sawgrass announces it will be migrating all of its customers’ designs from the old CreativeStudio to the new version automatically as flattened png files. On July 31 at 11:59 p.m. ET, the old version of the program will officially be retired.
The company expects the process to take several weeks, and any designs created after July 1, 2020, are not guaranteed to be brought over. This includes alterations to older designs made after July 1.
The first designs being migrated are designs created or modified between June 30, 2019, and July 1, 2020. This migration period will take 20 to 30 days, with the most recently modified designs moving first.
From there, Sawgrass plans to work backward and migrate designs made before the end of June 2019.
For those interested in designs being in the new CreativeStudio sooner, they’re encouraged to migrate them over before the old version is retired. Find instructions on how to do that here.
All designs that have been migrated by Sawgrass will appear in the ‘galleries’ tab in a folder labeled ‘migration.’ Once migrated, these files will not be able to be deleted.