Roland DG to Relocate to New ZEB-Certified HQ
The company will relocate to a new “nearly ZEB” certified campus in Hamamatsu, Japan

Hamamatsu, Japan-based Roland DG Corporation, the parent company of Roland DGA, announces it will relocate to a new, uniquely constructed headquarters near its current facilities in Hamamatsu, Japan.
According to the company, the completion of its new “nearly ZEB” certified building in the Miyakoda area of Kita-Ku, Hamamatsu, in July 2023 will integrate its factory and headquarters, which are currently located at two separate locations.
The new building will combine research and development, administration, and sales functions together in a single office area. All floors will have public areas, interaction areas, and creative areas.
The new building will also be equipped with a solar power generation system on the rooftop, automatic lighting control and inverter airflow control for exhaust fans, and an air conditioning system — all of which the company says are consistent with its efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.

ZEB certification
ZEB certification is defined by four levels of achieving zero-energy construction by combining energy-saving technologies, such as the use of natural energy and efficient equipment systems, with energy-creating technologies, such as solar power generation. Roland DG’s new building will achieve a primary energy consumption of 75%+ through energy conservation (50%+) and energy creation.