Printavo Wraps PrintHustlers Conf 2019
Printavo wraps its 2019 edition of the PrintHustlers Conf in Chicago.

CHICAGO-Printavo wraps its 2019 edition of the PrintHustlers Conf in Chicago. The annual two-day event features presenters steeped in marketing and decorated apparel trends.
This year’s schedule included industry veterans such as Rick Roth and Mark Coudray, as well as author Mike Michalowicz. Presenters offered advice and tips on everything from running a shop to customer focus, to making predictable profits into a habit.
“I knew PrintHustlers Conf would be a blast, and it was,” states Printavo founder Bruce Ackerman. “But I’m amazed by the willingness of the community to share knowledge with each other.”
Image courtesy Printavo
The company says more than 100 print shops from the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, and Africa attended the conference. Along with presentations, the format of the event allowed audience members to interact with presenters and ask detailed questions about the specific problems they face running their respective business.
Ackerman says Printavo plans to host a fourth installment of the conference in July 2020 in Chicago.
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