
PDS Equipment Shows High School Students the Printing Ropes

Students were given a glimpse into the UV printing world and competed in a design contest

pds equipment career event
(Image courtesy PDS Equipment)

PDS Equipment West, a Nevada-based demo and support center of PDS Equipment, recently hosted a “PDS Career ENERGIZER Event” in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The event hosted 11th-12th grade graphic design students from Southeast Career Technical Academy (SECTA).

Industry professionals, including software designers, commercial print shops, digital print shops, commercial binderies, laser owners, equipment manufacturers, and PDS’s team, helped to encourage and teach the students about the print industry and the many ways they can take advantage of the global printing industry. Several of the professionals also presented to the students, explaining how they got into the print industry and how important it is to keep learning graphic design.

The students also participated in a business card design contest, where they designed their own personal holographic-textured business cards for the chance to win a $500 prize. The designs were printed and voted on in person as well as a Facebook live vote tally.

“This event was developed to fill a need in the local Las Vegas area for PDS Equipment and our Las Vegas customers in the area to meet with the local graphic design students for future employment,” states CEO Steve Weist.

Southeast Career Technical Academy students (Image courtesy PDS Equipment)

He continues, “As a business owner, I need employees that are passionate about the industry, and during this event, I was encouraged to find 15-20 students that had definite goals to make a career in the print industry. I hope these students got energized at the PDS Career Energizer Event!”

PDS Equipment plans to host similar events quarterly at its branch locations. Graphic design schools/classes are encouraged to attend.

Marie Fennema

Marie Fennema is the managing editor of GRAPHICS PRO, including GRAPHICS PRO Today, covering news and guidance in apparel decoration, awards and engraving, and sign and digital printing.

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