
Outdoor Cap Hosts Cappy Hour on Trending Headwear Markets

Outdoor Cap Cappy Hour
Outdoor Cap Cappy Hour

Outdoor Cap hosts its fourth Cappy Hour event, titled Trending Headwear Markets to Generate Sales Now. The webinar takes place on May 13 at 11 a.m. CT for those in the headwear business.

Webinar hosts Jeremy Laney, EVP of sales for promo products and team sports, and Jenny Straub, director of sales, discuss how headwear fits into the changing times and economy, as well as the essential markets that are staying strong during this time.

The pair will offer viewers “actionable insights” and useful tools to grow a headwear business in the current climate.

Allee Bruce

Alexandria Bruce

Alexandria Bruce is the former managing editor of GRAPHICS PRO magazine.

View all articles by Alexandria Bruce  

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