Our Success Group Releases Online Business Growth Training Module

Todd Downing and Aaron Montgomery of Our Success Group launch a new resource for small businesses starting out or looking to grow. The 5 Keys of Business Success – Growing and Launching Online Training includes more than five hours of training videos broken down into five- to 20-minute segments.
The 25 modules cover five business areas, including knowing your numbers, pricing for profit, workflow and organization, delivery and follow-up, and marketing. Included in the five keys and 25 modules, there are 26 actions steps to take at the end of each module.
Terry Combs, who is a screen printing instructor working with many new businesses at TerryCombs.com, says, “Starting a new business can be exciting but a little scary. You’ve hung your sign and opened your business. Now what? Business owners see others growing and flourishing, but they don’t know how to build the foundation they need for success. This online training program does just that.”
Jennessa Lystlund of Charmed and Gifted Designs, who has been through the program, says, “Before the 5 Keys, I was basically just guessing and trying to fumble my way through getting my business going. There is so much to learn when running a business, and this initial 5 Keys was the difference between me giving up and being motivated to actually take the leap.”
The 5 Keys of Growing and Launching is available at an introductory price of $197. Learn more at https://oursuccessgroup.com/5keys/.