Our Success Group Hosts Goal-Themed Webinar
Tune into How to be a Goal Getter – Setting Goals You will Achieve on April 14 at 1 p.m. ET

On April 14 at 1 p.m. ET, Our Success Group (OSG) founders Todd Downing and Aaron Montgomery present a free webinar titled How to be a Goal Getter – Setting Goals You will Achieve.
Montgomery explains, “Goal setting is one of the most important skills a business owner can have, yet we were never taught how to do this in school. We all have goals whether we admit it or not, so we just want to show you how to set a goal you will achieve and then give you a process to achieve it.”
The webinar has an optional VIP experience available for purchase. As a VIP, attendees get live interaction and specific feedback on their goals, a recorded copy of the webinar to reference later, access to the Goal Getter Program, email consultation, and a discount on the OSG Membership Program.