
Kati Sportcap & Bag Donates to Nonprofit Angels at Bat

Kati Sportcap & Bag donates goods to Angels at Bat, a nonprofit charity that coordinates donations of new and used baseball equipment for children in Kenya and Nigeria.

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HOUSTON-Kati Sportcap & Bag donates goods to Angels at Bat, a nonprofit charity that coordinates donations of new and used baseball equipment for children in Kenya and Nigeria.

“Kati Sportcap & Bag generously reached out to us saying they would like to donate hats and bags,” explains Max Bobholz, founder of Angels at Bat. “We graciously received 10 bags and 144 brand new hats. All of these donations will be very helpful in bringing baseball to Africa.”

As part of the donation, bags from the company will be used to deliver the hats and baseball equipment to children in Kenya. The company says the package heads to Africa in May 2019.

“Supporting a charity like Angels at Bat is what Kati Sportcap & Bag is all about,” says Danny Spier, president of Kati Sportcap & Bag. “Knowing that we are able to put a smile on the faces of these children is incredibly rewarding. We always want to be on the side of our communities and partner with organizations like this for years to come.”

Founded in 2012, Bobholz was inspired to start Angels at Bat after watching Uganda’s team participate in the Little League World Series.

Kati Sportcap & Bag
Image courtesy Kati Sportcap & Bag

“I realized that we could provide these children with wonderful equipment by simply donating used equipment that sits, unused in our homes or garages,” says Bobholz on the organization’s website.

The organization encourages those interested to contact them to coordinate donations.

“Working with Kati Sportcap & Bag was a pleasure and an honor, and the whole process was absolutely seamless,” says Babholz. “We are looking forward to a future with Kati.”

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Mike Clark

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