HanesBrands Continues with Hurricane Relief
HBI Partners with Delivering Good to assist with ongoing Hurricane Ian recovery efforts

When Hurricane Ian ravaged Florida in late September, it took nearly 150 lives, left millions without power, and displaced tens of thousands of residents.
The storm exited quickly, yet the long-term need for essentials and support continued. In the months after the hurricane hit, HBI and partner Delivering Good provided more than 90,000 clothing items to those struggling to rebuild their lives and communities.
“HBI is there to help our communities when a crisis hits, but the need continues long after the storm is gone,” says Kirk Saville, senior vice president of corporate affairs and communications at HBI. “Our partnership with Delivering Good allows us to help people recover – in the weeks and months after a disaster.”
4GoodCommunity, a partner of Delivering Good, coordinated the direct distribution of HBI items in flooded areas.
“The relief was immensely successful, and we couldn’t have done this without the amazing support of HanesBrands and Delivering Good,” says Jeff Kingery, founder and president of 4GoodCommunity. “Those we served were so uplifted by the clothing.”
HanesBrands began working with Delivering Good almost 10 years ago, and together, more than $45 million of products have been distributed to communities recovering from crises.
In the summer of 2022, HanesBrands donated 1.2 million items of clothing to the flood victims in Kentucky.
“For decades, HanesBrands has worked to provide comfort in times of need. We’re proud to be able to live our purpose of creating a more comfortable world for everybody,” adds Saville.