Hanes Donates 1 Million Masks to Homeless

Alongside HanesBrands’ #MaskAround campaign, the apparel company donates 1 million masks to those experiencing homelessness across the country.
The company donates the masks to nonprofit organizations in areas deemed as “COVID-19 hotspots.” These include Los Angeles, Miami, and Houston. Hanes is also leveraging its relationships with nonprofit agencies built through its National Sock Drive to help provide the masks to those in need.
It’s working with Pine Street Inn in Massachusetts, Pittsburg Mercy’s Operation Safety Net in Pennsylvania, Homeless Health Care in California, Episcopal Community Services in California, and Miami Rescue Mission in Florida.
Working with long-standing partner Mark Horvath, founder of nonprofit Invisible People, the brand is supporting local homeless assistance organizations across all 50 states, including Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico.
“Homeless people face even more limited avenues for support during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Horvath says. “Hanes continues to make a significant difference through its long-standing commitment to this nation’s often invisible population. This program is critical to driving the importance of having and wearing face coverings whenever social distancing cannot be practiced.”
With its #MaskAround campaign, Hanes supports the effort to slow the spread of COVID-19 by asking followers to embrace face masks and spread the word.
“We want to do our part to support the country’s effort to slow the spread of COVID-19,” adds Sidney Falken, chief branding officer at Hanes.
For more about the cause, visit Hanes.com.