
Featured Project: Marking a Spot in Presidential History

A presidential historian and former FBI agent had A.R.K. Ramos make this plaque commemorating the exact spot where LBJ became our nation's 36th president

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Oklahoma City-based A.R.K. Ramos, a provider of ADA signage, etched plaques, cast letters and other architectural signage, was commissioned by historian and former FBI analyst Farris Rookstool III to make a commemorative plaque to mark an important location in presidential history.

On November 22nd, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, and approximately 128 minutes later Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as the new president aboard Air Force One. Lady Bird Johnson and Jacqueline Kennedy witnessed the first female Federal Judge, Sarah T. Hughes, administer the oath of office as the plane sat on the tarmac at Dallas Love Field, awaiting to return President Kennedy’s body to Washington DC.

The swearing-in of President Johnson took only 28 seconds, but it was an important moment in American history. It was the first and only time a U.S. President was sworn in aboard a presidential aircraft.

To commemorate not just the occasion but the location, Rookstool had A.R.K. Ramos make the bronze market that today sits on the apron of the runway at Love Field, at the exact location where Air Force One was parked that day.

tony kindelspire oct21

Tony Kindelspire

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