Featured Project: Eye-Catching Multi-Story Art
Mactac wasn't the installation company's first choice but it proved to be the best and final choice.

Mactac, an Ohio-based manufacturer of pressure sensitive films, reports on a recent project done in Canada using one of its films.
Canada’s TELUS Corp., the Canadian telecommunications company, decided it wanted to dress up the exterior of its office building in Alberta, Canada, it contacted British Columbia-based Epic Engineering. TELUS somehow wanted to convey the power of communication-since that is at the heart of their business-and decided that a mural on the outside of their building would be an effective way to do that. So, an art contest was held among local artists, with the winner getting their art on the side of the building.
Once the winning artwork was chosen-it came from Serena Love of Shewolf Studio-Epic Imaging chose graphic material from a Mactac competitor to print the artwork on. Unfortunately, once it was applied it wasn’t long that before some of it started coming off the wall.
According to Mactac, that’s when they were contacted and the company’s IMAGin RoughRAP RR100 product was chosen.
A Roland Eco Solvent SOLJET 540 was used to print the large-scale graphic and it was installed the next day despite very cold temperatures.
“The end result was perfect-not to mention brighter and more vivid than the first material used,” says Josée Robinson of Epic Imaging. “Especially since the first material we used failed, we desperately needed to make our customer happy and knew Mactac material would do that. Through the years, we’ve tried many alternative materials from other manufacturers, but Mactac is the only one that consistently stands up to the demands of our installations.”