Elevate Textiles Joins Sustainable Apparel Coalition
Elevate brands A&E, Burlington, Cone Denim, Gütermann and Safety Components participate

Elevate Textiles joins the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), including its brand American & Efird (A&E), an embroidery thread manufacturer. Elevate joins more than 250 global brands, retailers, manufacturers, and organizations committed to improving supply chain sustainability in the apparel, footwear, and textile industry.
“Elevate and its brands share a long-standing commitment to being a leader in the development of sustainable products,” says Jimmy Summers, chief sustainability officer. “By joining SAC, we are further committing to implement the Higg suite of tools in our supply chain and to be a part of further developments and expansion of the use of the tools in the industry. We look forward to many opportunities to drive increased sustainability through meaningful collaborations across the textile and apparel industries.”
In its relationship with SAC, Elevate contributes both data and resources to support the Higg Index, a tool which Elevate brands have been using since 2014. The Higg Index is an indicator-based suite of tools that measures sustainability performance.
As part of Elevate’s commitment to positively impact the people and natural environments associated with its operations and supply chain, Elevate established its 2025 Sustainability Goals focused on sustainably sourced fibers, reduced water consumption, and reduction in greenhouse gases. The company also signs the UN Global Compact, upholding principles and supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, Elevate contributes toward the ZDHC Programme, UN CEO Water Mandate, and has committed to set GHG reduction targets.
“We welcome the addition of Elevate Textiles to the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and look forward to its participation in this industry-wide effort in sustainability,” SAC executive director Amina Razvi says. “Having Elevate and each of its top textile brands as part of the Coalition widens the scope of our impact within the industry and accelerates the change we’re making towards responsible industry actions.”