
Color-Logic Relaunches 202One Program for Licensed Printers

Color-Logic 202One

Color-Logic, a software provider for print embellishment, announces its 202One relaunch program for licensed printers enrolled in the Color-Logic SMART Centre Program.

“When the COVID-19 outbreak began, Color-Logic immediately focused on what printers would need when markets began reopening. The Color-Logic customer base is global, and we serve markets ranging from packaging and label, commercial print, point-of-purchase, signage, and direct mail. Our diverse customer base means we must consider geographic location and target markets when seeking to support our clients,” Color-Logic director of sales and marketing Mark Geeves explains. “Accordingly, we broke our Relaunch 202One program into three stages, much like the May 2020 Spacex launch. The Color-Logic relaunch is not just about getting off the ground, but about getting where you want to go and the ability to land on target.”

Stage one of the relaunch is the ignition stage and features improved training for graphic designers and prepress personnel.

Stage two is the booster stage and focuses on content. Since potential customers cannot know what is possible in print without seeing actual samples, Color-Logic offers 35 new designs.

Stage three is the payload stage. Color-Logic now provides licensed printers enrolled in the SMART Program with a free Color-Logic Design Suite, FX-Viewer, and Pattern-FX single-seat license.

“Although 2020 has been a worldwide challenge, print is not about to vanish. Surviving in the new environment, however, means pivoting, reopening, restructuring, or relaunching,” Geeves adds. “The need to differentiate and to stand out will not vanish, and the technologies available today make the Color-Logic staff optimistic about our future and our ability to deliver our clients the software, training, education, and consulting to make a difference in the print marketplace.”

Allee Bruce

Alexandria Bruce

Alexandria Bruce is the former managing editor of GRAPHICS PRO magazine.

View all articles by Alexandria Bruce  

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