City of Sacramento Looking for Artists to Design Vinyl Wraps

According to local news channel Good Day Sacramento, the City of Sacramento’s Office of Arts + Culture is calling local artists to submit their vinyl wrap designs for two commission projects in midtown Sacramento, California.
Each location features three curbside electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, which the city, along with EVgo, wants to customize with vinyl wraps.
The City of Sacramento’s Department of Public Works and the Office of Arts + Culture, says it’s excited about the “public-private partnership involving artists in city sustainability and innovation projects.”
According to the Arts + Culture website, two artists will be selected from submissions. Each one will work with project organizers, as well as the community, to “use creative placemaking techniques” in their designs.
The request comes during the COVID-19 pandemic, a move the city said it made to provide opportunities for artists to earn commissions and contribute to ongoing sustainability efforts.
“The timeline is very tight to complete this project. Also, because the charging station boxes need a good amount of instructions for consumers, the space for artwork is smaller than with our traditional utility box wrap projects,” reads the site. “Artists should consider this design challenge in the context of the location, designs working together with three boxes, and proximity of viewer (up close as a pedestrian and further away usually driving by in a vehicle).”
The deadline for submission is June 8, at 11:59 p.m. Artists selected for this opportunity must be able to complete their designs no later than August 2020.
Learn more about this public art commission here.