Atlantis Headwear Powers Down for Earth Hour
On March 25, the headwear manufacturer turned off its lights in celebration.

Atlantis Headwear, a sustainable headwear manufacturer, recently powered down for Earth Hour to shed light on sustainable practices.
Created by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Earth Hour emerged in 2007 through a lights-out event in Sydney, Australia. Evolving into a widespread grassroots movement, it inspires individuals worldwide to proactively address environmental concerns. Earth Hour advocates dedicating a single hour to constructive actions for the planet, whether by switching off lights to conserve energy or by reconnecting with nature’s beauty through outdoor activities.
The goal of Earth Hour is to bring awareness to climate change and its devastating effects on the environment. Earth Hour is celebrated annually at the end of March. This year, Earth Hour was held on March 23 from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. local time. The Atlantis Headwear team held a belated celebration in-office on March 25.
While the movement is recognized globally, Atlantis Headwear celebrated at their headquarters in Venice, Italy. For one hour, lights were turned off, allowing natural sunlight to illuminate the office, and ultimately conserving energy resources.
Learn more about Earth Hour here or here.