
Trotec Laser, IKONICS Imaging, and JDS Industries Co-Host Workshop in April

Decorators are invited to St. Louis, Missouri from April 15-16 to expand their knowledge on three different technologies.

Trotec Laser, IKONICS Imaging, and JDS Industries joint workshop webinar
Trotec Laser, IKONICS Imaging, and JDS Industries joint workshop webinar

Trotec Laser, IKONICS Imaging, and JDS Industries will co-host a comprehensive two-day workshop on April 15-16 at Marriot St. Louis Airport in St. Louis, Missouri. The companies encourage decorators to attend, as the event provides educational presentations and hands-on training with the equipment.

“Attendees will leave with an understanding of the capabilities and opportunities that each technology can provide, and practical knowledge on how to use them,” the companies state in a press release.

Training topics include:

  • Technology basics and best practices
  • Tips and tricks
  • Advanced breakout sessions
  • Technology integration
  • Applications assistance and material testing

The workshop costs $125 per person, which covers two days of classes, lunches, refreshments, and a donation to the local charity, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis. Special seminar pricing and giveaways will also be available.

Julia Schroeder

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