
Things Engraved Stores Relaunch with New Shopping Experience

The company updated its shopping experience with personalized gift-giving at the forefront.

Canadian custom gifts retailer Things Engraved relaunched its 78 stores with an updated in-store experience for customers. As part of the upgrades, the company installed interactive digital tablets along with new decoration techniques like color enhancements, foiling, and deep-cut fonts. The changes have been rolling out within the past 30 days, according to the company.

“What we really want our stores to feel like for customers is that sort of one-of-a-kind artisan experience,” says Shawn Brock, Things Engraved CEO. “We want people to be inspired to design that perfect gift.”

Customers who visit Things Engraved can browse and preview hundreds of gift possibilities with ease, Brock elaborates. The company also added an assortment of products that can be customized with licensed designs and introduced a new value pricing system.

According to Brock, the stores have been re-merchandised into gift-giving categories rather than by merchandising department. Furthermore, the stores offer a carry-in service for customers looking to personalize gifts bought elsewhere.

In addition to the in-store changes, the personalization provider upgraded its website to appeal more to the gift-buying experience, according to Brock; the website is organized around both gift-giving to a specific recipient as well as by type of gift. Based on surveys conducted by the company, a certain percentage of people in gift-giving start the process with who they’re giving the gift to. Brock explains they wanted to focus on how people shop for gifts as opposed to how people shop online.

“We believe customization is that necessary added touch that takes any gift from ordinary to extraordinary,” says Brock. “We want to give every customer a chance to not just buy a standard gift, but rather create a personalized and unique item, and see the difference it makes in their gift giving.”

The company’s rejuvenation initiative began last year with the opening of a new location and an initial relaunch of the website. The Things Engraved logo was updated then as well the signage inside the store. Brock explains that the storefront’s dressage on the exterior is the only thing not being changed at this time.

“This is a brand-new Things Engraved that’s been a year in the making,” says Brock. “We really want Canadians to understand the value of unique personalized custom gifts and see us as their premier destination for that.”

For more information, visit www.thingsengraved.com.

Julia Schroeder

View all articles by Julia Schroeder  

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