The Environment of Corel PHOTO-PAINT

There are two factors that determine what your image will look like

The pixel-based environment to which Corel PHOTO-PAINT is dedicated functions something like a mosaic. Pixels have been around for a long time; up close, a lot of little pieces of varying color, but stand back and you are looking at a cohesive image.

In PHOTO-PAINT, pixels are little squares of color, and unlike mosaics, there are no spaces between the squares. The color in each pixel is singular and solid but can be any one of millions of colors and changed at any time. Because there are squares of color, the image that contains them is, by nature, rectangular.

There are two factors that determine what your image will look like: the size of the squares and what colors occupy each of those squares. Every tool available in PHOTO-PAINT is there to help you regulate those two factors efficiently.

Julia Schroeder

View all articles by Julia Schroeder  

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