Selling Bulk Pet Items: Tips from industry pros
Selling bulk pet products offers many opportunities yet comes with its own challenges. Here, two experts weigh in with their advice.

Start by focusing on where people are bringing their pets: the vet, groomer, boarding facilities. Look to those companies in your neighborhood; they’re a great place to start. Partner with those business owners to help them begin offering products out of the sublimation market and pet ID market. Their businesses will start feeding business to you.
-Dan Messerschmidt, JDS Industries
One of the biggest factors is how you’re going to operate and handle that large volume. A great way to go about it is to come up with the products you want to offer in bulk and create templates for it so that you can produce items on demand and run as many as you need with ease of use. This works really well with pet tags, for example.
-Josh Stephens, LasersPlus