
Registration Open for Idealliance Training in Houston in December

Visit the nonprofit's Upcoming Events page for information on other upcoming G7 training opportunities.

idealliance_275x275The Alexandria, Virginia-based International Digital Enterprise Alliance, better known as Idealliance, announces a G7 training event being held Tuesday through Thursday, Dec. 10-12, at the University of Houston College of Technology-Digital Media in Sugar Land, Texas, a suburb of Houston.

The three-day event features the opportunity for attendees to earn G7 Expert and G7 Professional certification. There will be in-depth, hands-on demonstrations, live G7 press and proof implementation, and a great deal of focus on digital print and proofing workflows and systems.

The training will be hosted by the Idealliance’s G7 Expert trainer, Don Hutcheson. He will lead instruction and demonstration covering G7 methodology, implementation, and strategies developed to maintain the highest possible process control and color management consistency and fidelity for alignment across any print technology.

This event is open to the public although registration in advance is required.

tony kindelspire oct21

Tony Kindelspire

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