Opposites Attract: 4 Complementary Color Combinations
While certain tones of various colors will blind a viewer, others attract the human eye.

The basics of color date back to the days of elementary school. This was when ROY G. BIV came into the picture, usually appearing after a rainstorm. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet are the colors of a rainbow. All of these colors can be found on the traditional color wheel.
The color opposites are as follows:
- Orange against blue
- Red complements green
- Yellow against purple
- Black and white
While these colors can be opposites, it’s their value and shade that can make them complementary pairs. While certain tones of various colors will blind a viewer, others attract the human eye. A sunflower gold next to a deep purple complement each other. Basic yellow next to bright purple will not contrast as much because the value will be similar.