Make Money with Decorative Sandcarving
Find out why this decoration method is a popular choice when wanting to increase profits
Decorative sandcarving provides an easy, inexpensive method of personalizing a variety of surfaces, including glass, crystal, marble, stone, ceramic, wood, acrylic, metal, and many others. Entrepreneurs in the past have discovered that their sandcarving etching hobby is fun and profitable. Numerous engraving businesses began offering decorative etching to provide additional services to their valued customer base. Others turned to decorative sandcarving because it was the only way to etch high-resolution artwork with smooth, crisp results. But in general, most businesses add decorative etching simply to make money.
While no business opportunity is without challenge, because of the inherently low cost, decorative sandcarving offers a healthy profitability profile. Many businesses can pay for a complete system with just a few big jobs. Since numerous glass, ceramic, wood, and metal substrates are fairly low in cost, you can count on healthy profit margins. To make money, all you have to understand is the sandcarving process.
The process consists of applying an imaged stencil to a substrate and sandcarving the stenciled area with pressurized abrasive. The self-adhesive photoresist film process consists of simple steps resulting a beautifully sandcarved finished project.