How to Quickly Remove Web Adhesive From Screen-Printing Platens

Here are some simple steps to remove web adhesive from your platens.

Over the years I’ve tried various cleaners and chemicals to remove adhesive from platens with varying results. Suppliers always want to sell you the next best thing, so it can be challenging to figure out what product works for you. Here are some simple steps to remove web adhesive from your platens:

1. Spritz each platen down with a press wash. No need to saturate the surface, as a little goes a long way. Note: We are currently using platen tape on our press.

2. Wait 1 to 2 mins.

3. Take a screen printing squeegee and start removing excess gunk. Make sure to pull the squeegee towards you and discard the excess into a trash can.

4. Let platens dry. Now you can reapply table adhesive to your platens.

Mike Clark

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