Hatch Exhibits Pivots Business Operations to Support PPE Needs

According to the Special Report on Coronavirus and Small Business by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, one in four small businesses, that’s 25%, report having shut down. For some small business owners looking to stay open and remain profitable, they’ve had to shift their production focus and look at other operations to get money through the door.
Despite its business closing down due to COVID-19 essential business restrictions, Hatch Exhibits has been able to adapt with help from Canon Solutions America.
In two weeks, Hatch Exhibits went from operating as a full-service exhibit production shop in Maryland to a producer of protective face shields, disposable gowns, and door openers.
It made this happen using Canon’s Colorado 1650, the MultiCam Celero 7, and a Colex 10’ X 5’ Sharpcut.

To help ensure safety, the shop implemented a multiple shift system for employees.
“We knew we had to do our due diligence to keep our families, communities, business, and employees safe, and we were able to successfully instill social distancing thanks to signage printed on our Colorado 1650,” says Chris McCormick, founding partner, Hatch Exhibits. “With Canon Solutions America’s support, we were also able to secure and source materials quickly, as well as successfully create this new division of our business.”
To continue expanding its support, Hatch Exhibits has created a new line of kid-friendly face shields with animal and superhero designs printed on the front. This new business development has been created in hopes of lifting the spirits of children by encouraging them to stay safe by designing fun, creative protective face shields.
“We commend Hatch Exhibits for their efforts in supporting the needs of their community, and their commitment to the safety of their employees during these tough times,” says Peter P. Kowalczuk, president, Canon Solutions America, Inc. “The company’s efforts directly align with our corporate philosophy of Kyosei and our corporate social responsibility both to our employees and surrounding communities.”
For more information, visit www.hatchexhibits.com.