
Hanes Earns Two Awards for Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America and Caribbean

HanesBrands earns two awards for its attention to Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America and the Caribbean.


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.-HanesBrands earns two awards for its attention to Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America and the Caribbean. The company receives the 2019 FUNDAHRSE Seal and the CEMEFI award.

The Honduran Foundation awards the FUNDAHRSE for Corporate Social Responsibility, and 2019 marks the ninth consecutive year Hanes has earned the distinction. The foundation recognizes Hanes for its work in the following categories: corporate governance, employee relations, environmental sustainability, responsible marketing, supplier standards, community relations, and public policy. The company offers free care to its employees in the region, and its Honduran education initiatives provide adult continuing education and extracurricular tutoring for children in public schools.

The Mexican Center for Philanthropy presented Hanes with the CEMEFI award, making it the seventh time the company has received the award. Hanes says the organization awarded the company for promoting “a more equitable, supportive and prosperous society” throughout Latin America. The company earned the award for initiatives like its back-to-school program, which has been in operation in the Dominican Republic since 2008. The program distributes school kits to children of employees and to those who attend public schools in communities where the company operates. To date, the company has donated 106,000 kits, which include a backpack, notebooks, and other needed supplies, that help children be successful in school.

“All of the programs that our CSR and human resources teams jointly create and manage are designed to provide our employees, their families, and the citizens of the communities in which we operate the necessary tools to help elevate their quality of life,” says Teddy Mendoza, HanesBrands senior manager of corporate social responsibility for the Western Hemisphere. “It is a great honor to be recognized for our efforts by these prestigious international organizations.”

For more information, visit https://hanesforgood.com/.

Mike Clark

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