GPX: It’s been interesting!
I’ve been in trade shows and conventions for more than 40 years. For 35 of those years, the industry hadn’t changed much. Simply put, companies marketed the same way, attendees came to shows to see “stuff,” orders were written, and everyone was happy. Then COVID-19 came and interrupted the way people did business.
Now, we have generational pushes, plus technology and competition with webinars, influencers, social media platforms — the list goes on. It’s made the events and trade show industries reach back and create something that makes them stand out from the noise of today’s world.
Events and trade shows need to create experiential aspects of their offerings that speak to the attendees and the exhibitors. These experiential pieces must have value but also align themselves well with the generational demographics of the attendee and exhibitor base. Someone in their mid-20s might not be interested in the same thing as someone in their mid-50s. If they are, then chances are they may prefer to learn in completely different ways. The experience needs to reflect and resonate with each and every demographic.
As GRAPHICS PRO EXPO continues to grow its offerings, our guiding light is to give each and every stakeholder something they can take away from attending: a best practice, a networking moment, having a beer with a friend — there are many ways to bridge the “experience river.” Our team at GPX hopes you continue to join us on this journey of bringing new experiences to all of you. It’s going to be a fun ride.