Forming Your Visual Identity

Consistency is key for customers to recognize your company.

When working on your visual identity (for your brand/logo), break it down to colors, typefaces, shapes, patterns, and more. The artist Louise Bourgeois stated, “Color is stronger than language. It’s a subliminal communication.” The purpose of forming an identity system is to create an easy-to-use, consistent visual language that supports the logo. This system then complements the logo and creates flexible elements to be able to use in different forms on media or promotion. You don’t need to go as far as creating formal style guidelines (but you can if you’d like), which would include things to not do with the logo mark (such as switching colors around, stretch it unevenly one way or another, changing the font used, etc.), as well as if the logo is under a certain size to not use the tagline with it, when to use iconography versus the full logo mark, or even how much space must be between the logo another images or logos, etc. 

-Jennifer Foy, Unisub

Julia Schroeder

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