Enhance a Customer’s Experience in Your Shop

Make sure the products in your displays are relevant to the needs of your customers

The use of one or more flat panel displays can enhance the experience for a customer visiting your shop. Coupled with a USB stick or PowerPoint demonstration, this is a great way to show customers all of their options in a space-challenged environment. A tablet can do the same thing, but make sure that it is in a secure place, or it just might find its way out the door when you least expect it.

The same thing goes for the rest of your displays. Make sure the products in them are relevant to the needs of your core customers and don’t take up valuable space for items that sell sparsely or not at all. Again, this would be a good use of a flat panel display or a book to showcase items that are available but not sold every day. It also gives a customer the confidence that you are a one-stop-shop and erases any thought that they have to go anywhere else for their awards needs.

Keep reading about maximizing your retail space.

Julia Schroeder

View all articles by Julia Schroeder  

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