
Colter & Peterson Introduces No-Frills ‘Dealermart’

CEO Bruce Peterson says market demand drove him to launch this site, which is meant to serve as sort of an eBay  for cutters.

colterpeterson_275x275West Caldwell, New Jersey-based Colter & Peterson, which buys, sells, and services paper cutting and paper handling equipment, announces “Dealermart,” what the company calls “a bold online experiment for shop owners and dealers looking to purchase or sell finishing equipment with minimal conditions.”

Dealermart was introduced by Bruce Peterson, the president and CEO of Colter & Peterson, who has more than four decades in this industry. Its introduction follows that of “CutterMart, which Peterson introduced last month. That service provides reconditioned or certified used paper cutters and offers customers protection with user-friendly warranties. Dealermart is different, whereas it offers a wide selection of used machines at reasonable prices, but all will be sold without warranties.

“Dealermart is without a doubt our version of eBay,” Peterson says. “Everyone has a price they are willing to pay and Dealermart gives them an opportunity to buy a machine inexpensively, with no frills or warranties.”

Peterson says he introduced Dealermart to the market primarily due to market demand. Dealermart lists paper cutters and equipment that is intended for dealer resale and/or bulk dealer purchases at discounted prices.

“With Dealermart, we are offering machines that were working when they were removed,” says Peterson. “Some may even have been taken apart and stored in a warehouse. There is a paper cutter for everyone at almost any price if they have a limited budget. Everyone has their own price threshold level. There are people in the market who don’t worry about not having a warranty if they believe they are a getting a great deal.”

tony kindelspire oct21

Tony Kindelspire

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