Carousel Digital Signage Announces Integration with BrightSign’s
The companies say that for the end user, the result of the integration is simplicity of deployment and unlimited scalability.

Minneapolis-based Carousel Digital Signage, which makes digital content management software primarily geared toward the educational and corporate markets, announces the continuation of its multi-year partnership with Los Gatos, California-based digital signage media player manufacturer BrightSign. The Minnesota company says that its Carousel Cloud is now integrated with BrightSign’s, a network management platform created by the company.
Carousel introduced its Carousel Cloud last year as a subscription-based SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platform. The company says Carousel Cloud is ideal for any business or enterprise seeking an off-premise, hosted digital signage service with limitless scalability. It goes on to say that Carousel Cloud’s interoperability with means its users can quickly deploy a complete digital signage solution with minimal infrastructure and maintenance, unlimited scalability, and low total cost of ownership.
“The ability to deploy this integrated solution directly through BrightSign’s interface aligns with our strategy of simplifying digital signage for any customer, and for networks of any scale,” says JJ Parker, CEO of Carousel Digital Signage. “Our goal is to take our customers directly from shrink wrap to digital signage, without the time and complexities of managing physical configurations on media players, or the concerns of ongoing maintenance.”